mercredi 5 octobre 2011

Aromatic herb salty cake

So much aromatic herbs can be scary! We found it delicious, so don't hesitate and try it. 

Prep time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 35 minutes
Price: €€€€€

Ingredients :

100 g flour
140 g old bread
1 bunch of fresh chives
1 bunch of fresh parsley 
1 big bunch of fresh mint 
1 bunch of fresh basil
100g pine kernels 
100g parmesan cheese
2 natural yoghurts 
3 eggs
1 clove of garlic
3 tablespoon olive oil 
salt and pepper 
optional: 3/4 tablespoon of milk. 


1) Wash all the herbs and slice them thinly: 

2) Now prepare the basis of the cake: mix the flour with the eggs, the pine kernels, the old bread (smashed), the two yoghurts and the olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. 

3) Once it is homogenous, add the parmesan cheese.  

4) Then add the pine kernels. You don't need to cut them, because the job will be done when you cut the cake in slices. 

5) Add all the herbes to the preperation and stir.  

Advice: if the preperation seems too dense, you can add some milk to get a better texture and then a better taste! 

6) Spread the preparation in a buttered tin and put it in the oven at 180 degrees for 35 minutes. Prick the cake with a knife to check if it is ready (it won't be totally dry because of the herbs).

Bon appétit =)

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