samedi 1 octobre 2011

Salmon, cod cooked and veg' in a foil parcel.

1/2 cup (or 100g) leeks cooked in butter
1/2 cup Paris mushrooms cooked in butter 
100 g salmon
100 g cod-fish
3 or 4 small tomatoes
1 limon juice
10 cl cream 
salt and pepper
Blog de lessecretsdeliseetmarek : Les secrets d'Elise et Marek, Papillote de saumon et dos de cabillaud
1) Prepare all the ingredients: cook in butter the leeks and mushrooms until they are tender. Then cut the fish in small cubes.
2) On the foil parcel, lay a tablespoon of leeks, mushrooms, one tomato cut in small cubes, and add the fish. Season with aneth, salt pepper, a teaspoon of limon juice and a tablespoon of cream. 

Blog de lessecretsdeliseetmarek : Les secrets d'Elise et Marek, Papillote de saumon et dos de cabillaud

3) Pull the foil edge together and scrunch them up to seal the parcel. Put them in dish and in the oven at 180 degrees for 25 minutes. 
Blog de lessecretsdeliseetmarek : Les secrets d'Elise et Marek, Papillote de saumon et dos de cabillaud
Blog de lessecretsdeliseetmarek : Les secrets d'Elise et Marek, Papillote de saumon et dos de cabillaud
Bon appétit {#}

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