mardi 13 septembre 2011

Homemade mayonnaise

We always need a good mayonnaise recipe at home.. 
because when it's homemade, it always tastes better. 


1 yolk
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 tablespoon mustard
sunflower oil
salt and pepper


1) Add the mustard to the yolk and season with salt and pepper. Beat it with a hand mixer. 

2) Add progressively the oil while mixing until you get the quantity you want.

3) At the end, add the tablespoon of vinagre to whiten the mayo. This step is not an obligation but it will bring a sour taste to it.

Cover and refrigerate until needed. Don't keep it more than a week. 

Bon appétit =)

Precious advice from my grandmother to all women. When you have your period, it is better not to prepare mayonnaise, it might go off more easily ;) Believe it or not, but this might help to prepare a better mayonnaise! 

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